Our mission is to provide children in foster care and the child protection system with educational programs, community-connected resources, and the unique opportunities they need to thrive.
The Peacemaker taught us about the Seven Generations. He said, when you sit in council for the welfare of the people, you must not think of yourself or of your family, not even of your generation. He said, make your decisions on behalf of the seven generations coming, so that they may enjoy what you have today.
Oren Lyons (Seneca), Faithkeeper, Onondaga Nation
We Care Foster Care believes in the fundamental desire on the part of our citizens to give generously and support the work of caring for all the children in foster care and the child protection system. We believe in the power of one individual to make a difference in the life of a child and imagine the unlimited power that could be harnessed if each individual donated their time, talent, and treasure to just one child in need. We believe that this power benefits not only the child it directly impacts, but also the lineage of that child moving forward in a life that is safe, abundant, and successful.
To provide needed goods, services, and educational programs to Wayne County foster care children and families.
Engagement To foster community relationships and build an extensive network of organizations, businesses, and individuals willing to provide programs, goods, and services to children in foster/family placements.
To develop and provide arts-infused educational programs focused on Math, Science, and English language arts, enabling young people to benefit cognitively, academically, creatively, and emotionally through the arts.
To establish opportunities for ongoing relationships with foster youth/families, to provide the strongest impact on their lives, best manifested over time.

We Care encourages and coordinates volunteerism with the members of our community who desire to participate in programs that address the needs of foster children and their families. We recognize that families involved in the juvenile system have unique needs. We also recognize that many people care about these families and sincerely want to help - but they don’t know how. Our goal is to bring them together and accomplish great things.
We Care serves as a “clearing house” to match those willing to volunteer their time, talents, or merchandise to those children identified as needing such assistance. Relying on their experience in the child protective arena, juvenile justice professionals identify children with special needs not currently being addressed by available resources.
We then utilize community and professional contacts to identify individuals and organizations who are willing to donate needed goods or services. We seek and obtain commitments from volunteers and businesses willing to address the specific special needs of those children and their families.
Here are suggested examples of how interested parties can help We Care and its families: Dentists agree to perform free dental care for one child each year. Psychologists provide pro bono services for one family each year. Dance schools give free lessons to a child. Radio stations and support teams provide free tickets to various events. Bowling alleys and restaurants sponsor special events for deserving children. Businesses provide needed goods. Concerned individuals mentor a child, coach a team, help someone learn to read, teach a child to draw, and provide music lessons. The possibilities are endless.